Project developers are required to develop a management plan. The management plan is a key document that provides up to date information on how the project will address the identified threats to forest carbon and biodiversity and, where appropriate, recover carbon stocks and biodiversity through restoration activities.

A management plan should be a ‘living document’ aligned with the PDD but kept up to date to reflect any changes that may be required, and lessons learned in the course of the project.  The NFS does not expect rigid adherence to a management plan, however where significant non-planned events occur, these should be reflected in reports or changes to the plan.

The management plan and supporting documents should, where relevant, contain information on the following:

  • Maps of the project areas showing: areas under protection, areas to be restored, potential leakage zones, land ownership or use rights (as appropriate), vegetation types and other relevant characteristics.
  • The main activities that will be undertaken by the project, including locations and timing.
  • The expected outputs of activities and anticipated outcomes.
  • The main functions and responsibilities of key staff.
  • The structures and arrangements for collaboration, partnership or sub-contracting with local organisations, government bodies and sub-contractors.
  • The process for interacting with local organisations and communities to ensure FPIC is achieved and maintained.
  • The budgets for activities, and intended sources and recipients of project funds.
  • The mechanism by which benefit distribution will operate.
  • The process for dealing with complaints or grievances.
  • The process by which progress will be monitored, reviewed and evaluated.

The management plan is expected to be an internal document, agreed by the senior project staff and maintained as a living document, adapting and adjusting to developments over the course of the project.

The management plan should describe how the project will interact with local organisations, groups and communities, and should explain how agreements will operate to a standard of Free Prior and Informed Consent.

The management plan should address relevant social, governance and biodiversity issues, as described in the following sections:


RECOFTC & GIZ, 2011.Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in REDD+: Principles and Approaches for Policy and Project Development. RECOFTC, Bangkok. Page 15. Available at: